
The day I bought that wallet, I have a feeling that I might lost it soon. But never cross in my mind that this soon. Its not long, not even a week. Its gone. Together with my bankcards, £30 and my ScottishPower Key (prepaid key for electricity) which need to be top up. So long my beautiful wallet...hope the pencopek or anyone who found you jaga you elok-elok. 

Hopefully, dengan baki £9 letrik dirumah, cukup hingga sampai prepaid key yang baru.

Actually, beberapa jam sebelum tu, I had a cup of hot choc with cik zaa at Rudy's. I've put my wallet on the table and Cik Za said, 

"You better simpan wallet tu elok-elok. Nanti orang lalu sambar baru tau".

 And i've replied,

 "Kat UK ok jer. Takde siapa nak curi. Semalam my beg terbukak zip and ada my  phone dalam tu. Selamat jer..."

Then, nah ambik!. I have no idea kat mana hilangnya wallet tu. I was so sure it was in my pocket masa sibuk mencuba kasut di kedai Clark tu. We've tried to trace it back but couldn't find it. Ermmm bukan rezeki.Cik Za offered me to ask her mom's 'nujum' to trace the wallet back. Huhuhuhu...of course la I tak percaya! InsyaAllah apa yang berlaku itu yang terbaik. Dan mungkin sebagai peringatan yang kita ni lalai dan leka sangat.Kan?

My flight to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam is at 8 pm on 27th Jan and arrive KL around 4 pm 28th Jan. And here, people start making speculation that I'm going back for 'something' . Rasa nak gelak guling-guling. My intention is just to meet my family and extend my visa. I blame Kaklong's comment on my facebook about her dream.

Nothing will be happened. I just want to meet my family and friends and get my visa then get back to Glasgow as my supervisor has scheduled for our meeting just a day after I arrive Glasgow.Kejam sungguh...huhuhu!

I'm sorry you have to read my rambling. Sometime we just need somebody to listen to us. And bloging is the best way to do it. I owe you your time, and InsyaAllah will write something better later. See you in Malaysia. InsyaAllah...


Kay said…
cik mimi nak balik... :)
ilahS said…
Ada alasan untuk beli wallet baru. hihihi
Mimiamilia said…

aah balik kejap jerrr

huhuhuu actually i already have 2 wallets la..gatai beli lagi satu...